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Wealth Management

Portfolio Management

Policy of tailor made solutions is central to our relations with the clients. Our experience says wealth management has a broad framework but therein each case has its unique circumstances. We analyse the finer points of individual case, then develop solutions according to specific requirements.

Wealth is permanently influenced by market conditions, business environment and taxation. These complex factors are volatile and any change may require swift action. We keep a constant watch on them to give timely and appropriate advice.

Financial Strategies

MULTI GROUP FINANCE SA proposes an investment strategy elaborated for you according to your needs. Your capacity to tolerate the financial risks and the duration of investments are important decisional factors.

On this basis we offer five profiles of strategic asset allocation representing on an ascending scale the capacity to tolerate risks:

  • Income strategy focused on preservation of principal and safe return, very low risk tolerance
  • Yield strategy for regular returns on the investment, low risk tolerance
  • Balanced strategy for gradual growth of the capital, average risk tolerance
  • Growth strategy aimed at medium and long term growth of capital, high risk tolerance
  • Equity strategy aimed at long term growth of capital, very high risk tolerance

Selection and Opportunities

An investment process may be fundamentally defined as ability to make an investment to obtain highest possible gain at minimum possible risk. To achieve this goal, continuous monitoring of financial markets is required to access relevant data and information. We know to assess the influence of economic and socio-political environment and human behaviour on financial markets.

Information gathering by itself is not sufficient. The crux of investment process is the analysis of this information to recognise opportunities and seize them before others. As well in the dynamic world of finance, we have to read between the lines to know the danger signals and make immediate appropriate corrections.

We are particularly well equipped for research of bonds, shares and derivatives, in the developed and emerging markets. Our analysis privileges the verification of industry growth on the long term, the strategic perspectives of the company, the quality of the management and his commitment to “shareholder value”.

Investment Advisory

For clients who prefer to manage their assets actively by themselves and keep the decision on the management of their portfolio but in benefiting specialised service, we provide adequate support. You can have exchange of ideas and fiancial information with our managers and reserve your final decision.

We can inform you on real time of the tendencies and of the activities on the financial markets and in particular of the securities which compose your portfolio.